Thursday, May 21, 2009


well im getting ready to head to sheboygan, wisconsin tomorrow. I'm gonna start riding at like 8am I think, and hopefully this'll get me there by 4ish. It's 150ish miles, and since im gonna try to do it kinda fast, I think a 7.5 hour goal (of riding time) is pretty reasonable.
I got my family bringing my stuff for the weekend, so I kinda feel like there's a SAG wagon behind me.
It should be a blast though. I haven't had a really epic ride since spring break in georgia when I rode over 6 mountains, 19,000 feet of climbing, and 120 miles one day. Going from chicago to sheboygan doesn't exactly compare to that, but it should still be a pretty solid day in the saddle.
Good luck too everyone going out to race in iowa this weekend by the way!

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