Monday, May 18, 2009

I had to go and overdo it

This weekend I was suppose to race a couple crits. Monsters, and Wheels on Willie.

Well, essentially, to sum a long story up, midway into my second race at monsters (the 1/2/3 race) I started getting a lil bit woozy and decided it would be wise to pull out. It was a good decision I think, because it's now two days later, and I still am a freakin slug on the couch, doing nothing but sleeping, eating, and coughing. Boy do I feel crappy. I'm gonna blame this on myself totally running myself down during finals week--a condition not uncommon with several other racing/student friends of mine...

As a side note, in the 3's field at monsters, sort of a combination of a pretty sketchey field, and my not feeling all that great, made me quite a nervous racer. When the pace started picking up, people kept swarming around the front for good positioning, and in the last lap, the front guys even crashed themselves out... I settled for 15th/50, but at least i stayed up.

I'm thinking about really wanting to go down to matteson tomorrow, but if I'm still under the weather, it might be a dumb idea. I suppose relapsing would suck, but the fact remains that if I don't ride tuesday, then it'll be 4 days since I've touched me bike... Ohhh well, at least it's finally summer!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Danny -
    I heard from Barbara that you're in Korea and that you have a blog -- how very cool! I haven't seen you in ages, but I wanted to make contact and say hello. Hope you are well and enjoying yourself and that everyone in your family is well, too.
