Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm a dufus

OH MY GOD. I'm freaking sick of work.

When it comes to me and school, I've got this little system. It's called extreme procrastination. I sort of find ways to sneakily push as much stuff as I can til the end of the semester, then do everything in one big huff.
What's that? Everybody procrastinates? Weellll, I believe I take it to a slightly higher level. See, I only had one final this semester (awesome!), however, I left myself with so many things to do from throughout the semester, that I've literally been camping in the library since monday morning when I first got here, essentially working non-stop (I get food delivered to me), and I'm still not gonna be done before midway through tomorrow!
Sure, sure--I go home to shower and change and what not, but all my hangin out, all my sleepin, and sure as hell all my work gets done here. It's actually kinda cool. There's this little stairwell I pull a beanbag and a blanket under when I go to sleep. I kinda feel like the library troll... Now I didn't make this website, but it's a pretty accurate depiction of how I feel by now.

Another added benefit, is that there's no food in the library. And if there's no food, then I can't eat it. That's right, I'm down like 3 lbs this week!

But seriously, even though it's got it's "perks," this has got to end. I just can't STANDS it no more. To everyone done with school, and happily riding your bike and what not... I thouroughally envy you.

In parting, I'll hook you up with a sweet graph I made of the average flow duration percentages of the blackberry creek! Wooo!

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